Sunday, November 4, 2018

Entry #7: what they don’t tell you

Have you ever wondered that is the food industry tell you all the truth about their product? Or are you believe all the things that the food companies have told? Here is a interesting video I found on youtube, which names “the food industry-what they don’t tell you”. This video is 14 minutes long and it talks about the secret things that the food companies don’t want their consumer to know. The topic is around the chemicals sugar and the chemicals that many companies have added in their product; even in the water supply that we are using every single day has chemical too. Furthermore, this video shows us how chemical sugar and chemical affected to our body; it caused to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

Today people seem to just care about the quantity instead of quality. It leads the Americans to become fat and fatter by consuming the chemical food every day. In my opinion, I think this video is must watch video for those whose care about the food industry and things behind it.


  1. Wow I enjoy the video very interesting as far as the blog it self it to short but I also think the video say a lot to what you wrote

  2. You have a good start here. You need to pull out those few pieces from the video that you want to consider and discuss them in further detail to fully develop this post.


Entry #10: My Experience of Blogging

At the beginning of this semester, I couldn’t expect that I had to create my own blog and being a blogger throughout the semester. To ...